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Postdoctoral researcher (f_m_x) “Digital Twin for Critical Zones under Climate Change”

The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national centre for research into the geosphere. With around 1,650 employees, we develop a sound understanding of systems and processes of the solid Earth as well as strategies and options for action to counter global change, understand natural hazards and sustainably secure energy and raw material requirements.
In Section 4.7 “Earth Surface Process Modelling” (Department 4 “Geosystems”), we are looking for a:

Postdoctoral researcher (f_m_x) “Digital Twin for Critical Zones under Climate Change”

Reference Number 9784
The Critical Zone (CZ) is the thin layer between the upper surface of unweathered rock (i.e., bedrock) and the vegetation's upper boundary, where snow, rock, soil, water, air, and organisms interact. This vital ecosystem functions as Earth's "skin", supporting the diverse biological communities that contribute to the health and sustainability of our planet. This position is part of the new innovation pool project (DT4CZ: Digital Twins for Critical Zone under Climate Changes) funded by the Helmholtz Association. We seek a candidate to build digital twins of the critical zone within catchment scales and assess how anthropogenic climate change impacts the critical zone, especially in cold and alpine regions. We will focus on two sites: Svalbard, Norway, and Illgraben, Switzerland.
The position will be supervised by Dr. Hui Tang from the Earth Surface Process Modelling section at the GFZ. The candidate will also work with partners from the Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI, Prof. Dr. Julia Boike), the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ, Dr. Christian Klassert), and the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences: Agrosphere at Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ, Daniel Caviedes Voullieme).
Your responsibilities:
Develop and use coupled numerical models to interpret in-situ and remote sensing data from cold and alpine regions.
Use the model to study how climate extremes affect the hydrological and geomorphological response of critical zones.
Further develop the models as needed to test and validate these concepts and scenarios.
Collaborate with other members of the DT4CZ project from AWI, UFZ and JSC (The Jülich Supercomputing Centre at Forschungszentrum Jülich).
Interact with other members of the Earth Surface Process Modelling Section at weekly group meetings and in other informal ways.
Present results at scientific meetings and in publications in peer-reviewed journals
Supervise PhD and Masters students
Your qualifications:
PhD in Earth Sciences, Physics or Mathematics, with evidence of excellence in guided research
Demonstrated knowledge (and preferably research experience) in geophysics, hydrology, or quantitative geomorphology or geography
Experience in developing and using numerical models
Ability to use a programming language such as Python, MATLAB, C, C++ or Fortran
Experience in machine learning and data sciences
Proven ability to work in a collaborative and multi-disciplinary environment
Creativity and critical thinking skills and the ability to publish, as demonstrated by a record of original and innovative publications (preprints will be considered)
Capacity for international teamwork and excellent communication skills
Proficiency in spoken and written English

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Postdoctoral researcher (f_m_x) “Digital Twin for Critical Zones under Climate Change”

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Vollzeit, Unbefristet

Veröffentlicht am 17.09.2024

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