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PhD student (f_m_x) Empirical Wave Modelling, Numerical Simulation for Space Physics

The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national centre for research into the geosphere. With around 1,650 employees, we develop a sound understanding of systems and processes of the solid Earth as well as strategies and options for action to counter global change, understand natural hazards and sustainably secure energy and raw material requirements.
For section Space Physics and Space Weather (department “Geophysics”), we are looking for a:

PhD student (f_m_x) Empirical Wave Modelling, Numerical Simulation for Space Physics

Reference Number 9790
In this project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant, combining state-of-the-art measurements from multiple satellites, comprehensive models will be developed. We will improve our Full Diffusion Code by using the wave models developed in this project and calculate diffusion coefficients using more realistic background magnetic field and plasma density models for the first time. With the help of our sophisticated physics-based radiation belt dynamic model, fundamental acceleration and loss of relativistic electrons caused by different waves in the Earth's radiation belts will be quantified. We will systematically validate simulation results against satellite measurements to understand the competition between acceleration and loss caused by various types of plasma waves.
All these improvements will be critically important for answering the overarching scientific question: Why do the Earth’s radiation belts respond differently to geomagnetic storms which have approximately the same intensity? This project will open new horizons for understanding, predicting, and specifying the hazardous space environment.
Your responsibilities:
The successful candidate should have extensive experience in data analysis and preferably also with machine learning and scientific programming.
Job responsibilities will include a variety of tasks related to satellite data processing and scientific programming, including but not limited to:
Perform data processing and analysis
Develop empirical and machine learning-based models for hiss waves in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere
Maintain data and code repositories
Develop scientific visualizations of the results
Document and test existing codes
Adopt scientific codes for different scientific problems
Conduct scientific research in the field of space physics
Attend scientific meetings, including international conferences, and present the results
Write manuscripts that will be published in peer-reviewed journals
Your qualifications:
MSc in physics, computer sciences, geophysics, mathematics, or related natural sciences
Experience in processing and analyzing satellite data
Ability to work with large data sets
Work experience with IT programming or scientific programming
Advanced knowledge of the programming languages, such as Python, Matlab, IDL, Fortran
Knowledge of Unix system
Experience in developing numerical codes
Experience with machine learning is a plus
Ability to work within a team
Attention to detail and organizational skills
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

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PhD student (f_m_x) Empirical Wave Modelling, Numerical Simulation for Space Physics

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Vollzeit, Unbefristet

Veröffentlicht am 11.09.2024

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